Tuesday, 19 October 2010

First Filming

Last lesson we started on our filming by taking our very first shots. We went into the studio to set up and take shots of one of our performances dancing in front of the green screen and also lip singing the song while doing this. She had created a routine for this, which had taken a week to put together and this was to show we took our time in completing these shots.

Three different cameras were used in doing this shot. We had cameras 1, 2 and 3. Camera 1 was taking the mid-shot of out performer while camera to was in the centre, taking the long shot. This meant camera 3 was focusing on the close up shot and a little bit of the extreme close up shot. All the cameras were set on record and camera 1 and 3, which were at either sides of camera 2 had two of the people in the group on them.

The final person on the other hand was working on mixing up all the shots on the computer. She chose which shots would be better use, mixing all three in the process to come up with a full recording. She was very good at this as she was a bit more experienced than the other two of us as she works in a studio in her spare time. At the end of the lesson, we had come up with the completion of our shots all put together but with no editing on the green screen because if we recorded the green screen being edited then it can’t be changed while trying to put it on the music video.

At the end of the lesson we had our shot fully done and also the three different shots on their own from cameras 1, 2 and 3. So this means when editing we could add it from jus that seeing as it wouldn’t change cameras as it would on the full long one this is why the fully recorded one will not definitely be the best to be used in the editing so it was in our best interest to take all the different shots as it could make the video better at the end of it all.

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