Tuesday 5 October 2010

Finally Made A Decision - Cassie- Long Way To Go

The song that we have chosen is ‘Long way 2 go’ by Cassie who is an American recording artist, model and dancer. ‘Long way 2 go’ is an upbeat hip hop song featuring prominent R&B characteristics with a laid-back and imperious theme to it. The reason we have chosen this song is because of its cool and playful nature which therefore will attract our target audience which are teenagers.

We came up with different ideas on what we should include in the video for example
Idea one- A girl who has a crush on a boy but is playing hard to get telling the guy he has a ‘long way to go’
Idea two- A group of girls dancing against the guys. More like a battle between the two groups.
Idea three- A beautiful girl who is liked by every guy she meets. All the boys try everything to get her attention because she is the hottest girl in the block.

So in the end we decide to go with idea THREE because we had a lot of different ideas for the video, we all had different versions for the video so therefore we put our ideas together to develop a full idea that we are all satisfied with. To help us with ideas on what to do in our video and ideas on different camera angles that we can use we looked at a couple of Hip Hop/ R&B videos such as Beyonce- Single Ladies, Sweet Dream. The reason we got ideas from Beyonce- Sweet dreams is because her video has ‘spark’ and ‘energy’ which is what we want for our video. Beyonce’s video has amazing female dancers and we got some ideas from it, we planning on having two female dancers dancing with our main video girl.

(image of beyonce and her 2
main back up dancers)

Our plan is to make the video sexy but not too sexy, and as well as show how desperate guys can be and how they should never under estimate a girl, which will be seen at the end of the video (A little twist for our audience)

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