Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Different A2 Music Videos We Looked At

In class we watched music videos from previous years, which gave us ideas on what we might want to consider in our own videos. Watching the videos from previous years also gave us ideas on things that we wouldn’t do for our own video. We also did our own research on video e.g. we went on www.youtube.com searched for A2 media studies music.
Here's an interesting video that we found:

The video is interesting, not something that we would do but there some interesting things in it such as the different shots that they have used and the editing. In this screenshot, we like what they have done with the editing and its possible that we might do something similar.

This is another interesting video done by some A2 GROUP that we found on youtube.

Although everything in the video was done on the green-screen, from the video you can tell that they did a lot of preparations towards the video, they haved used a lot of different shots, and have though carefully on how everything was going to be put together, for example they used over the shoulder shorts and close ups.

Close up on the girl. As we can see from this shot in most music videos close ups are always used on the main person. In this video the female character is the main character and we see a lot of close ups on her.

Now this was one of my favourite videos that we found on you tube, these A2 students did a video to Rihanna’s song Distubia. We enjoyed everything in this video and its obvious that they prepared this. They though about the song choice, and costumes.

The song itself is quit disturbing and they managed to make the video disturbing as well, all though out the video its dark and they portrayed the characters well

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