Friday 17 December 2010

Finished at last!! :)

We have finally completed our music video, CD covers, digi pak, magazine advertisement and the blog. We think that it has been a success, although we faced some up and downs we have enjoyed the filming, the blogging and the editing.

Below is an Image of us all

Thursday 16 December 2010


This would be our first scene and we decided that we wanted to have opening credits which
include the name of the artist and song name so that the viewer are aware of the artist/song name

This would show the artist getting ready to out This would show the guy chasing with her girlfriends, we want to show a scene the lead singer in the video
in the bedroom

this would be showing the lead singer singing an dancing , this will be shot in the green screen screen also showing her with the male character

Because out video is based on performance most of the shot are just going to show the lead singer singing/dancing by herself and with other extra characters in the video. Its also going to include a bit of narrative.
We had more pictures of the first story board but we where facing some difficulties uploading the images, so these are the ones that where able to upload.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

Evaluation 4 - How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Technology played an important part in our music video production and in promoting our music video. To record our music video we used a camera and a tripod, the tripod was useful because when we where filming we wanted our shots to be dead still so that our music video would look more professional. Below are two images of the cameras that we used to film our music video.

The Internet played an important part in planning and researching of our music video, the reason Internet was important is because it allowed us to search for different things such as:
*Examples of CD cover
*Example of Digipaks
*Example of Magazine adverts
*Different genre music
*Images etc
Through YouTube and google we where able research different artist and information that we wanted, if we didn't have the Internet we would had to watch music video on the television and also read books. The Internet helped us understand a greater understanding of modern music videos.

For our editing we used the editing software 'Final Cut Pro' on a Mac Computer which is one of the industries leading video editing programs, it allowed us to edit digital videos with amazing results because with 'Final Cut Pro' you know that your video is going to look just as good on the computer as it does on the camera because its set up to work with standard camera definition as HD.

When we where designing our 'digi pack' and 'magazine covers' we used our own camera to take the pictures. When we edited them we made sure that we used photoshot, which allowed use to air brush, sharpened and edited to make them perfection.


For the creation of the Digi Pack
* Photoshot

For the editing
*Final Cut Pro

Last but not least we used the blogger to update the whole project.

Creation of the music video, digipak we used the following:
*A keyboard
*A mouse
*Mac computer
*Camera to take pictures for the digipak/cd cover/magazine advert

For filming

Evaluation 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

We just realised that we've already done the audience feedback so go back to 'Audience Feedback' on the blog.

Evaluation 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts (the magazine advert and CD digipak)?

To make our ancillary texts as realistic as possible we made sure that we did a lot of research in order where us to make it perfect. We made sure that we looked at other CD/Magazine adverts to give us ideas on what we wanted ours to look like. As you can see from other posts that we have posted we did a lot of research, after doing all the research we did we decided that we wanted our CD/Magazine adverts we decided that we wanted to make ours simple but yet effective and eye catching to the audience.

One thing we tried to do looking at everything we did, the video, magazine, advert and CD case is that we tried to vary the colours a little bit but not too much because it’s not a sad music so we don’t want the colouring to be too grey as it affects the song in a different way, but on the other hand we don’t want it to be too colourful either as it bring a different approach of fully joyful to our music which it isn’t either

What we did was like in the music video is use a mixture but we made sure it wasn’t too much. In the video we used a lot of the green screen mainly because we ran out of time before we even really began which set us back a bit. In using the green screen, we had ensured we could use any background we wanted and this will not be too much or too complicated, just something to go with the music, which is why we also used some black and some white backgrounds as well to show he different types of mood through the video. Normally the white background indicates a happy, relaxed mood while the black background will indicate a bad and unwanted mood but instead we chose to play about with it a bit. What we did was while using the black background, the main act was in a happy mood and also dancing, and when the white background came up, she wasn’t over excited but at the same time she wasn’t in a bad mood so it shows that all through the music video the tension was very little and it was more of a relaxed mood and a colour doesn’t always indicate what it’s meant to be, it could be used to indicate a completely different thing in some cases just like our video shows.

Looking at the CD cases, magazines and advert, we went for almost the same type of colouring on each of them to show some continuity and some resemblance. This helps create a product image so as soon as people see’s the colour or the type of font, they will be able to recognise the product immediately. We played about with the font on the advert as well it’s all in the same font but in two different sizes, the most important information are in bold and the rest are on regular font while we also had a quote in italics, to indicate to the customers it’s a quote. The quote has been specially chosen as it would be a psychological advantage as the customer will see “they can’t handle it” and will make them want to buy it and prove they can.

For the back cover we decided to use the protagonist wearing the exact same outfit she was wearing in the music video to make it recognisable from the video.

Looking at the CD cases, magazines and advert, we went for almost the same type of colouring on each of them to show some continuity and some resemblance. This helps create a product image so as soon as people see’s the colour or the type of font, they will be able to recognise the product immediately. We played about with the font on the advert as well it’s all in the same font but in two different sizes, the most important information are in bold and the rest are on regular font while we also had a quote in italics, to indicate to the customers it’s a quote. The quote has been specially chosen as it would be a psychological advantage as the customer will see “

Monday 13 December 2010

Evaluation 1 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

We chose to do a R&B song which usualy are about love/relationships. In the music videos there is normally a main female and males singing about each other or to each other. Or if the artist is female the normal conventions of the video will be girl looking glamorous and wearing high fashionable clothes with main props such as phones. If the artist is a male they tend to show guy with his friends and have main props such as cars etc.

Looking at our media video, we had a variety of music videos we chose from and also different genres for example hip hop, R&B etc. But out of all these videos we narrowed them down to only one type which was just R&B and the whole of the music video and every idea we got came from music videos from this genre, especially one video in particular which was 'Easy' by Paula DeAnda. We took almost all our ideas from this video mainly because it perfectly suited the music in which we had chosen, which was Long way to go by Cassie. The music video to Easy is sort of the perfect video to our idea and music we chose in some ways but looking at the choreography and some other things, we had to turn to a variety of Ciara’s music videos for the dance routines for example Like A Boy.

These videos produced us with a very good understanding of how to choreograph the dances in the video and the timing and also gave us some different ideas we hadn’t come up with in the first place. Looking at Ciara’s videos gave us a lot of new ideas and innovation. Although we lost our lead act because of timing and had to change to someone else in the dying minutes, Ciara’s videos shows us that there can be more than one dancers as long as the main act is still going to do a little bit of her own act, this is why we came up with the idea of using people from the dance department.

To do some of the dances in the video and since dancing is what they do, learning the routines and adding to it and dancing it perfectly was a normal thing for them so in a way, losing the lead girl and dancer kind of made it a bit better and easier in a way.

The final video came up with what we had planned, instead of looking at one good video and using it as our idea for the video we looked at different parts of different videos and picked different bits of each to come up with a combination of it all. This helped us a lot as instead of picking one video we thought was good enough but lacking in some areas, we had come up with a way of putting everything together and choosing the best bits of all the videos as u can see from all three videos they are very good but one video is better than the other in a particular way. What I mean is if you look at the Ciara video of Like A Boy, she had the best dancing and choreography but her story line isn’t as good the Proper video of Long Way To Go by Cassie or the story line in Easy by Paula DeAnda. If you look at Paula DeAnda’s video of easy on the other hand, the videos storyline is very good but the dancing and choreography isn’t half as good as Ciara’s Like A Boy. Finally looking at the original video of Long Way To Go by Cassie, she’s got an ok choreography and storyline compared to the two other music video and we couldn’t use a lot of her ideas because since were using her video we wanted a slightly different approach, which lead to the result of our video.

I think our music video for 'Long Way To Go' follows the conventions and stylistics of contemporary music, the narrative of our video consists of a relatioship between a girl and a boy, but our main purpose of the video is to show that there isnt a relationship because the girl is not really interested in the guy she's playing hard to get. As a group we feel that we have given our video our own personal style to it with original narrative and also used slip screen shots, also our CD/Digipack cover challenges the genral conventions of covers for original music videos. The front cover of our CD cover shows the artist and her name and song name is on aswell.

This is all part of the marketing plan to draw in the customers into the product so that they can hopefully fall into the trap of buying the product. Another thing we are looking at a type of psychological pricing, this is using the word ‘only’ and also making sure that whatever the price, it ends in £0.99p, as this shows its under the next price for example buying a meal for only £9.99 or for £10.00, more people will buy the food for £9.99 because the first number they see is 9 instead of 10 so they’ll think it’s less and will go for it when really there’s only a penny difference, this is a major psychological effect on marketing and could help profit a lot more than just normal pricing. Being a consumer myself, I know the way in which buyers think and this is a big way to draw in a lot more customers and sell more products and at the same time for a little bit more while they think it’s for a little bit less so really, it’s a win win situation for the seller.

Saturday 11 December 2010

The team

Below is an image of all of us together :)
Below is an image of Amanda Makubo. Who helped out with most of the thing in the blog, was the main artist and also chose the props that where used in our music video, also helped with the CD covers/inside booklets.

Below is an image of Sherique Brown who was the person who did the editing. She has also helped out with the blog and did most the filming.
Below is an image of Dimeji Ologundudu who helped a bit with the filming, also he has help out with the blog and the magazine cover.